Wednesday, August 27, 2008


A couple nights ago the Captain and I dined at a "Mexican" place near his (former) apartment. He had had his first meal in Boston at that place so he thought it fitting to have his last meal there, too. Plus, we had been given two free dinners in exchange for doing a survey so we figured it couldn't be beat.

This morning I had a similar bookend experience. During my first week in Boston I crashed into a stationary object and wrecked my car. While I remain unscathed, my car was stuck and had to be towed - off the green line tracks. (I promise, I'm an excellent driver. I have the highest safety rating by the insurance companies.) But since I wasn't yet a member of AAA, the police had to call their go-to towing company, and the nice man Dan took me and my car to the Honda dealership two blocks away.

When I had to get a car towed out of my loading zone today, then, I noticed that the towing company was the same as the company that expertly extracted my car from the crash three years ago, almost to the day. As soon as I saw them, I knew everything was going to be all right.

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