Monday, November 10, 2008

Loving President Bush

At church yesterday, we prayed for President Bush. I should mention that I was at my home church, a bastion of liberalism that didn't support Al Gore in the 2000 primaries because he wasn't liberal enough. (We wanted Bill Bradley.) Lest you think I was raised in a commune of impractical hippies, I wasn't. I grew up in lovely, academic Princeton, NJ where my Sunday school teachers were professors at the seminary and where my friends' parents were professors at the university. So, yeah, maybe I was raised in a commune of impractical hippies.

Anyway, I was surprised to hear the prayer for President Bush. Maybe I shouldn't have been so surprised because, you know, we're supposed to love everyone, but I was. The liturgist prayed that the President would have wisdom and courage in the last days of his administration and that he would be able to effect positive change for the country. A reasonable prayer, I thought, but still I was surprised.

Then she started praying for President-elect Obama, and suddenly I understood. She'd just wanted to say those words out loud in church. "President-elect Obama." Crazy liberals - so predictable.

1 comment:

Demosthenes said...

You'd better pray for W. As I pointed out on my blog, it's not too late for him to really monkey up the works. Watch out - for all intents and purposes, we've already invaded Syria and Pakistan. So dust off those rosary beads, prayer flags, prayer rugs, sacrificial lambs, or other deity-appeasing accoutrements, and get busy praying that things don't get worse.