Thursday, April 10, 2008

Ever the optimist

Last night I had a dream where I had to say good-bye to my friends from law school and it was not a happy dream. I took the dream as a sign that I need to change my attitude (see below). In honor of that effort, here is a list:

Things I will Miss about Law School in Boston (with Things to which I Look Forward about my Law Firm in San Diego to follow)

Dunkin' Donuts. There are no Dunkin' Donuts in San Diego.
The Red Sox. More specifically, the cultural currency of being a Red Sox fan. San Diego has cable television and sports bars, but it's not a city devoted to my team; San Diegans don't talk and breathe the Sox like Bostonians do.
The Marathon. Boston and running's biggest day.
Living near Jenski. My roommate from college. Though if she moves to SD for her post-doc, like I said she should, then I can move this item to the "Things I will look forward to" list.

(hm, these are all things I will miss about Boston, not law school...let me try again)

Friends. I have friends at the firm, of course, but I mean my law school friends in particular.
Lexis and Westlaw rewards. Last night the Captain and I dined at the Capital Grille courtesy of Lexis.
Bar review. I don't go often, but it's where I met the Captain.
Going to the gym in the middle of the day.
Daytime television.
Free lunch.
The freedom to be absolutely silly because I'm not yet a member of the bar. Somehow I don't think my managing partner will look favorably upon my affinity for celebrity gossip.
Indulging crazy ideas. Like the idea I'm entertaining for a paper I'm about to write. Speaking of which, I should probably go entertain it some more.

More optimism to follow.

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