Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Last week I had the pleasure of actually seeing some of my friends at Mr. J's (Ms. J's husband) thirtieth birthday party. It was at this party that Ms. J informed me that Massachusetts BarBri isn't nearly as supportive of her class as California BarBri is mine, and that all of the various confidence boosters that BarBri's been feeding me are completely alien to her. I was surprised. Because my BarBri class makes a regular habit of reminding us that we're competent and that's all we need to be. (In fact I anticipate only more of that tomorrow, when Prof. Honigsberg, Superstar, delivers our lecture.)

Really? I asked. No apocryphal stories of just how little competence you need to show in order to pass? No reassurances that the bar exam is not that hard, none at all?

None, Ms. J replied.

So I concluded, naturally, that the California bar exam really IS that hard, because why else would BarBri be taking the time to psych us all up?

Holy. moly.


Unknown said...

Don't worry, we get lots of confidence boosters in New York too! It will all be over soon :)

Sarah K. said...

Hey--could you do an entry on the bar for dummies? Like, when exactly is it? Do all students take the bar at the same time across the country? Is it a one day test, a several day test? Essay? Multiple choice? Inquiring minds want to know!

KHC said...

Thanks, Courtney. Though I should point out that NY is second only to CA in terms of difficulty. By the way, I met some nice Harvard students as the summer went on - mostly transfers. :-)

Mrs. Priest, yes, I will do that as soon as I eat some dinner and learn some more law. Oh, and please tell Mr. Priest that I saw his email and I'll be getting back to him soon, too.

Dorian said...

I love Prof. Honigsberg! I swear I would have given up a long time ago if it wasn't for him.

KHC said...

Don't give up, dtrizzle! Prof. Honigsberg would be so disappointed. Because giving up is NEVER!! a GOOD IDEA.