Monday, July 14, 2008

Issue spotter

A woman shoved me on the T this evening. I've become so mired in the bar that my first thought wasn't to tell her to keep her hands to herself or even to shove back.

No, my first thought was, "Harmful and offensive contact!"


Next time I'll stick up for myself. You should, too. She was wearing an ill-fitting top and could have used a good trip to the hair salon. And the therapist.


Jill said...

Hmmm... but couldn't the pusher raise a defense of consent implied by custom? As in you consented to an activity (riding the T) where tortious invasions are common? :-)

KHC said...

I thought of that, actually, but her contact exceeded the bounds of customary implied consent. I should say she "shoved/hit" me, then gave me a judgmental glare. Or is that customary on the T?