Saturday, July 19, 2008


Today I had the pleasure of lunching with Ms. J, something we used to do almost everyday but not since we graduated. This happens when you've been banished across the river like I was, but thankfully I am no longer in exile. (In case you are wondering, no, we did not schedule a "fun" lunch. We were breaking between the morning and afternoon sessions of yet another simulated multistate exam.)

While we were eating I mentioned to her that I admired how she, a married woman, could balance her family life and her bar life so well. The Captain and I have "broken up" until the bar so we can devote more time to studying, but Ms. J doesn't have that option. Mr. J lives with her. She acknowledged that keeping the balance was a challenge, but she reminded me that she was lucky to have a husband to support her (i.e., do the cooking) while she studied.

It got me thinking about my friends' various coping strategies. Ms. J leans on Mr. J a little more. The Captain is broken up with me six days a week. Lawyer Mom took her one year-old, kissed her husband good-bye (I imagine) and shipped off to the homeland (New Jersey) so she could study undisturbed while her mother looked after the baby. And I...I cook.

I can't help it. Last week I loaded up on packaged meals from Trader Joe's just so I wouldn't have to cook, but after I sign off here I'm headed for the kitchen where I will make Mark Bittman's chilled avocado soup. I know I said I'd try to stop grocery shopping so much, but I'm an addict.

At least it's not drugs.

[And, I'm doing just fine after the simulated multistate. I scored my answers and I'm...not distraught. It's a start.]

UPDATED: The soup was...okay. I'm not over the moon about it. Serves me right for straying from my time-only-for-prepared-foods path.

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