Sunday, July 6, 2008

Erratic behavior

Now that I'm taking the bus everywhere, I have been reminded that many, many people are mentally ill. Just this morning a fellow passenger, bedraggled and dirty, started talking to himself in a hurried, continuous manner.

I mention this because I wonder just how precarious anyone's mental health truly is. Studying for the California bar, which apparently has a 39% overall passage rate, will lead a person to do that - question her own sanity. I don't think I'm insane for having chosen to take the bar, but I do wonder how I will respond to the constant pressure and anxiety as the dreaded exam approaches. The first thing to go? Self-consciousness. Last night I emptied my trash in my underwear. Rather than go to the trouble of putting on a pair of shorts, I scurried out into the hall with my garbage, threw the bag into the hall trash, and scurried back to my apartment. Nobody saw me, and at least I scurried, but seriously - no shorts?!

A couple nights ago the Captain and I watched "A Lawyer Walks into a Bar," which is a documentary about six people who take the California bar. It frightened me enough to whip out the flash cards during the movie. Which is probably a good thing, so I thank my buddy Ms. J for recommending it to me.

Back to studying. With shorts.


Miss Bee said...

Recall that in California people from unaccredited law schools are permitted to take the bar, and they pull down the passage rate a whole ton.

I have great faith in you. You are worried enough to continue studying--that is enough to ensure success!

KHC said...

Yes, but apparently I am not worried enough to keep myself clothed. I suppose we pick our battles.